Horsemanship that's about HORSES.

Scott believes in a more exploratory approach to working with a horse than conventional horsemanship can provide. “Every horse is a unique individual: how they relate to their environment, perceive leadership, their strengths, and struggles. A training program with a horse will always be successful when it is based on, and flexible enough to meet, the horse’s needs,” he explains.

Teaching a style of horsemanship that is grounded in practical application, Scott creates positive and enjoyable scenarios that foster connections between horses and riders. “If I could describe my job, it would probably be titled, ‘Equine Relationship Facilitator,’” he says. Scott’s approach begins with determining who the horse is, and then tailoring a progressive learning opportunity for the individual horse and handler.

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join scott in a clinic

Transform your riding and excel. Our unique style of horsemanship supports everyone from those new with horses to competive riders and coaches - in every discipline.

Or Host your Own Clinic!

Scott can come to you! Any time of the year - schedule permitting, of course - you can have Scott head to your facility and teach a clinic. This can be private, for your friends or family, or you can host a public event. Choose from any of our clinics. If you're interested in obstacles, Scott brings them on the road so you don't even have to supply any.

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tour the ahc ranch

The Amazing Horse Country Ranch is located in the heart of David Thompson County. It's secluded, quiet and beautiful. And it's here for you to enjoy.

ahc ranch video tour

It's more than just a clinic.
It's an experience.

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Goofing Off - the Science of having FUN with your Horse
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Personification and the Reality of Horses and Emotion
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Is it ALWAYS About Leadership?

Is it ALWAYS About Leadership?
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Is my Horse USELESS?

Is my Horse USELESS?
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Articles and Podcasts

The Little Things

Humans tend to focus on the big things. Sometimes big BAD things. But what about the little things? Are they more important?

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Liberty and Riding - The Same Thing?

Liberty is an energetically powerful, athletic connection between human and horse.  Are liberty and riding the same thing then?  They're closer than you think.  And here's why.

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